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Art, Painting, Adult, Female, Person, Woman, Modern Art, Male, Man, Anime

Americas - Private Bar Attendant

  • 541786
  • Food & Beverage
  • Full time
  • Mandarin Oriental, Boston

It is the mission and intent of this position that the incumbent will provide the highest level of customer service to all guests, to ensure the guest experience is one that is beyond the expectations of the guest and aligned with our Legendary Quality Experiences.


The Mini Bar Attendant replenishes and correctly charges private bar food and beverage items consumed on a daily basis to all occupied guest rooms.  The Mini Bar Attendant will also aid in maintaining private bar food inventory.


The Mini Bar Attendant will report directly to the In Room Dining Supervisor, In Room Dining Assistant Manager and the In Room Dining Manager. There are no functional positions reporting to the Mini Bar Attendant.

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