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Art, Painting, Adult, Female, Person, Woman, Modern Art, Male, Man, Anime

MOGZH - 高级保安员 Senior Security Officer

  • 535039
  • Security
  • Full time
  • Mandarin Oriental, Guangzhou

Duties and Supporting Responsibilities:

  • Report to the security Supervisor.
  • Set up high sense of responsibility and career, faithful to the duties, and be responsible for the duties, contending for being the excellent employee.
  • Learn the policies of the hotel seriously, be strict with yourself, study hard about the basic knowledge of the law, strengthen the law sense and obey the law.
  • Be punctual on and off duty, don’t be late and late back, can’t leave the post when on duty, and it’s not allowed to do the private affairs and make use of the work to commit a crime.  
  • Pack tidy when on duty, the appearance is to be dignified, in high spirit, insist the civilization. It’s forbidden to beat and scold the person and infringe upon the human right others.
  • Don’t do the behavior which may break the hotel image.
  • Work tactfully and quickly.
  • Perform according to the procedure. Be brave to struggle with the bad behavior, and actively arrest the person when being found to break the law.
  • Take the shift procedure well when on and off duty, and should be clear.
  • Help the captain to guard against the safety work in the hotel. Perform other duties assigned by the superiors temporarily.


Job Requirement

  • Intended to engage in security work; Veteran has priority to be considered.
  • Strong team spirit and be good at communicating.
  • Be in good health and be able to adapt to the job.
  • Must holding Intermediate Fireman’s certificate



  • 向保安主管报告。
  • 树立高度的责任感和事业心,忠于职守,尽职尽责,争做优秀员工。
  • 认真学习酒店的各项制度和部门的规定,严于律已、克已奉公,认真学习法律知识,加强法纪观念,遵纪守法。
  • 按时上下班,不迟到,不早退,不得擅离岗位,上班时间不办私事,不得利用工作之便进行违法犯罪活动。
  • 上班着装整齐,仪容端庄,精神饱满,坚持文明执勤,严禁打骂人和侵犯他人人身权利,不做有损酒店形象的行为,做事机智迅速果断,按章办事。
  • 敢于与一切不良行为作斗争,发现违法乱纪人员积极奋勇擒拿。
  • 上下班要做好交接班手续,而且要清清楚楚。
  • 积极协助领班做好酒店内的安全防范工作。
  • 认真完成上级临时交给的各项工作任务。



  • 有意从事安保工作,退伍军人优先
  • 有较强的团队精神,善于与他人沟通
  • 身体状况能够适应本职工作的要求
  • 需持有中级消防员证书

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