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Art, Painting, Adult, Female, Person, Woman, Modern Art, Male, Man, Anime

In Room Dining Manager, Assistant Manager / インルームダイニング マネージャー , アシスタントマネージャー

  • 539846
  • Food & Beverage
  • Full time
  • Mandarin Oriental, Tokyo

Mandarin Oriental, Tokyo is looking for In Room Dining Manager. and Assistant Manager
In Room Dining is responsible for Room service in 179 luxurious guest rooms.

マンダリン オリエンタル 東京では、インルームダイニングのマネージャーとアシスタントマネージャーを募集しています。




・Strong F&B background including Room Service in Luxury Hotels.

・Has superior abilities to connect with guests from many geographic and cultural background.

・Has excellent guest service quality and training skills.

・Can manage and deal with difficult guest situations.

・Can create and maintain a pleasant working environment and foster teamwork at all times.

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