マンダリン オリエンタル 東京の施設管理部では、Engineering Managerを募集します。
We are looking for Engineering Manager who is responsible for providing all our Guests and Colleagues with a comfortable, safe and pleasing environment by protecting our company assets through cost conscious, superior maintenance processes and dedication to continuous improvement.
Also responsible for completing the preventive maintenance schedule in all guest room areas and ensuring that the physical environment is in accordance with the standards of the hotel and Legendary Quality Experience.
・Familiar and complies with the Mandarin Oriental, Tokyo (the Hotel) Vision, Mission, Core Values, Pillars, Guiding Principles and Standards in performing all routine, maintenance and emergency tasks / activities.
・Familiar all engineering related systems and equipment for the Hotel.
・Familiar with all Local Regulations, MOHG and the Hotel Guideline & Standards, as well as Policies & Procedures and Rules & Regulation.
・Complies with Hotel’s Fire Life Health Safety Security & Environment (FLHSSE) Policy and be familiar with the guidelines, Policy and Procedures and Standard Operation Procedures, etc.
・Maintains all records, reports and documentation of all engineering related activities / tasks and ensures that the adopted policies & procedures & records are in accordance with the Local Regulations as well as the Corporate Standards.
・Liaise with the base building management team and the Hotel Departments, for various projects.
・Engineering Manager shall be flexible with duty shift assigned by the Management. Supervises and outside service agreements and the performances of the vendors / contractors.
・Plans, organizes, directs and supervises the works of his subordinates and ensures that the subordinates on duty are efficiently to carry out their operation and maintenance.
・Reviews the engineering logbooks, backlog reports, work schedules, preventive maintenance plans and other reports submitted by the vendors / contractors in timely manner.
・Ensures that the work can be done efficiently and within the standards of the Hotel.
・At regular intervals, inspects and logs the operating equipment, machinery and engineering systems; in event of any equipment / machinery giving sign of trouble / breakdown, he must stop it and operate the standby unit and report to the Assistant Chief Engineer / Chief Engineer and communicate with the Engineering team members, and propose solution for the repair works, contact the outsourced contractor if needed for the resumption of the operation.
・Review the maintenance reports and services reports, in event of any equipment / machinery giving sign of trouble / breakdown, he must stop it and operate the standby unit and report to the Assistant Chief Engineer / Chief Engineer and communicate with the Engineering team members and take necessary action if needed for the sustainable operation.
・Contact the outsourced contractor if needed for the repair works of the equipment / system.
・Reviews preventive maintenance tasks and yearly work schedules for all equipment and that they are updated on a regular basis taking into consideration revised regulations from Local Authorities, revised Corporate Standards as well as input from Operational Departments.
・Ensure to maintain the Hotel physical appearance, working order and operational efficiency for all hotel facilities including Physical Structures, HVAC System, Electrical System, Plumbing and Drainage System, Fire System, Boiler System, Audio and Video System, Building Management System, Kitchen equipment, Elevator System, Interior Decoration, etc.
・Ensures that all engineering areas are maintained in a clean and safe manner. Ensures that all equipment and installations in the hotel is installed and maintained in conformity with all local rules and regulation as well as Corporate Standards. Assists in monitoring the utilities budgeted and actual consumption.
・Propose and implement the energy conservation program for the electricity, gas and water to ensure that the targets are reached.
・Works with all other operating departments to ensure that all guest comment and request are attended to in accordance with the LQE standards.
・Ensure prompt response to guest requests and ensure guests receive professional, efficient prompt and courteous services to the Hotel standard Trains and directs subordinates on operation of building facilities and installations.
・Liaises with the Engineering team members and outsourced contractors on any equipment / machinery not functioning properly and which is likely to lead to breakdown.
・Understands and complies with the Departmental Rules and the Hotel Policy and Procedures.
・Responds to emergency calls for 24 hours and support the Emergency Response Team members.
・Contributes with ideas in finding solutions for daily operational issues within the complete Engineering Department.
・Maintains a good relationship with Guests, other Departments and fellow Engineering team members through the consistent display of outstanding LQE skills.
・Be environmentally friendly, energy saving, reduce waste, recycle where possible and reuse where possible.
・Assumes other duties as assigned by the Management from time to time.
・マンダリン オリエンタル ホテル グループの優待制度
・マンダリン オリエンタル ホテル グループでの無料宿泊(勤続年数に応じて年3~10日)
・海外のマンダリン オリエンタル ホテル異動のチャンスあり
■マンダリン オリエンタル 東京について
世界で最もラグジュアリーなホテル・リゾート・レジデンスを展開するマンダリン オリエンタル ホテル グループ日本初のホテルとして、2005年12月に東京日本橋に開業しました。グループの理念「立地する土地柄と文化に敬意を表するホテルづくり」をハード面はもちろんソフト面でも実現。館内デザインには「森と水=日本の自然」をモチーフに和の趣を取り入れ、スタイリッシュな中にも安らぎに満ちたラグジュアリーな空間を作り出しています。
38階建の日本橋三井タワー高層階に位置するゲストルームは全179 室。50㎡以上のゆとりあるゲストルームからは、東京を眼下に見渡す眺望をお楽しみいただけます。館内には、充実した施設と数々の受賞歴を誇る直営スパ、12の料飲施設、グランドボールルーム、バンケットルーム、ミーティングルーム、チャペルなどを完備し、 2024年、10年連続で米国の格付け会社『フォーブス・トラベルガイド』より、「ホテル部門」・「スパ部門」共に最高評価の5つ星を獲得しています。
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